No giudicar la nave stando a tera
Mercato al minuto (Rialto)
La bottega del remér
Campo San Giacomo da l’Orio
La spesa a remi
A cena da Marta

This work investigates some scenes in the daily life of the historical town centre of Venezia. The first track is a recording of the ferry gondola which crosses from bank to bank of the Canal Grande alongside the Rialto market, and continues following the voices of the fishmongers’ stalls. The second recording goes through the phases in the building of a fork for venetian style rowing, and it is prepared in the workshop of the “Focolaio matto” by the workman Piero Dri. The third recording describes one of the most popular campi where children and teenagers like to hang out in the afternoon. The fourth follows the home deliveries of the working farm called “Donnagnora” of Federico Mantovan, who travels down the canals exclusively in a row boat. The final track takes us to the kitchen of Marta Meo and her organisation called “Sardea”, as she is busy preparing the masonite, the female common crab. The places I have chosen and their protagonists give you the idea of a non-stereotypical city where life forms and entrepreneurship free of the tourism machine live on.